Presentation of the APE Europe in Brussels

On 8 March, the APE Eu spoke at the 7th session of the high-level panel of the European decarbonisation pathways initiative. As President of the European association of industrialists of the plasticulture, Bernard Le Moine recalled the necessary role of the plastic in the agricultural production, its positive impact on the yields and its contribution to the protection of the environment, in particular by the conservation of CO2 in soils.

La plasticulture au service de l’exploitation agricole des terres arides.

He also took the opportunity to highlight the disastrous consequences of mismanagement of Used Agricultural Plastics. Despite the European regulation that places users at the center of the different national REP, too many UAP are still burned, buried or even abandoned in open fields, and thus degrade for a long time the soil quality and their agronomic and sanitary performances. To see more : Seventh Session of the High-Level Panel of the European Decarbonisation Pathways Initiative